The podcast where QuiltMoxie meets Craftsy.
Join your host Ariana, who is enrolled in many Craftsy.com online classes, and come along as she shares her class progress with you. Craftsy is an online community dedicated to providing the best education and resources for crafters.
Topics include:
A once in a lifetime trip to Germany re-ignites Ariana knitting skills when she knits her first pair of socks during her visit to mom’s birthplace, Berlin, Germany.
We begin the Celtic Cables class by Carol Feller on Craftsy.com. Ariana talks about her approach to each class which begins with a stash crash at mom’s house. This time she is using Irish yarn that was a gift for mom from one of her friends at least 20 years ago.
The yarn is power drilled from hank to yarn ball. Ariana uses the StitchMinder via iPod to reverse knit two arms of the Portulaca pattern by Carol Feller.
Which brings me to Craftsy
One of my quilter superhero friends (Llynnda) recommended that I set up my pattern shop on Craftsy last year shortly after we came back from our trip. I did! Little did I know how much fun Craftsy would become. Yep, started to take the online classes and now here we are with a podcast to showcase my Newbie knitter progress in these classes.
Celtic Cables with Carol Feller
Short Rows
Short Rows with Carol Feller is a Free class
I invite you to check out the book review (minute 39:11 of Episode 221) by The KnitMore Girls.
Episode 221- Contemporary Irish Knits, by Carol Feller
Short Rows
Celtic Cables
The Fair Isle Vest: Stranded & Steeked
Germany and Spain with my mom
Book Review of – Contemporary Irish Knits, by Carol Feller by the KnitMoreGirls Episode 221 at 39:11 minutes
KnitMoreGirls Podcast
Knitting Blooms Podcast inspired me to take out my drill
Comments, Reviews and feedback and whatever is on your mind. If you have a positive review, please post them on iTunes to help the podcast.
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